Ruvna's Visitor Management Now Available for Free: Simplifying School Safety and Accountability

Macey Price
Ruvna's Visitor Management Now Available for Free: Simplifying School Safety and Accountability

We are thrilled to announce that Ruvna's Visitor Management (VM) system, launched a year ago, is now available completely free of charge for all schools with an Accountability subscription. Our goal is to make visitor management accessible to schools of all sizes and budgets, empowering educational institutions to enhance their security measures and streamline operations without compromising their unique culture.

Our Mission and Decision

At Ruvna, our mission has always been to create safer and smarter learning environments for students, staff, and visitors alike. We believe that every school deserves access to cutting-edge safety solutions that respect their individual character and operational needs. This core belief led us to make the pivotal decision to offer our VM system for free.

Over the past year, we've witnessed firsthand the positive impact our VM system has had on school safety and operational efficiency. We've also closely listened to feedback from educators and administrators who expressed a desire for more integrated, affordable solutions. By making VM free for Accountability subscribers, we're not just offering a product – we're furthering our commitment to revolutionizing school safety technology and making it accessible to all.

Ruvna's Integration with Accountability for Enhanced Safety

VM works in tandem with our powerful Accountability system to provide a comprehensive safety solution. Here's how the integration enhances your school's safety measures:

  1. Real-time Active Visitor Tracking: During an active drill or emergency, any visitor currently checked in through VM will automatically appear in Accountability. This ensures that all individuals on campus are accounted for in critical situations.
  2. Comprehensive Visitor Logs: Even when there's no active drill or emergency, VM maintains a detailed log of all visitor activity. While these visitors don't appear in other areas of the system during normal operations, this log is readily available for administrative review and can be crucial for security audits or investigations.
  3. Seamless Information Flow: The integration eliminates the need for manual data entry between systems, reducing the risk of errors and saving valuable time for staff.

This smart integration provides school administrators with the tools they need to manage visitor presence effectively, both in day-to-day operations and during critical events, allowing you to focus on running your school.

Effortless Visitor Management 

Ruvna's user-friendly interface makes visitor registration a breeze. Our system offers multiple check-in options to suit various needs and preferences:

  1. Manual Entry: Staff can quickly register visitors using an iPad or computer.
  2. Self-Service Kiosk: Visitors can check themselves in via an iPad, streamlining the process and reducing staff workload.
  3. Individual Pre-registration: For expected guests, staff can pre-register visitors to expedite their arrival.
  4. Bulk Upload: Perfect for large events, this feature allows for the easy import of multiple visitor details at once.

These flexible options ensure efficient capture of essential information, such as identification details and expected duration of stay. For added detail, staff can manually enter the purpose of visit on individual records after registration, allowing for customized tracking of visitor activities.

The streamlined check-in process saves time for both staff and visitors, while providing administrators with real-time visibility into who is on-site at any given moment. This enhanced control allows for prompt response and strengthened security measures.

By simplifying visitor management, Ruvna allows you to enhance safety while staying focused on what matters most – running your school and nurturing your educational community.

Bulk Upload Feature for Simplified Data Management 

To further streamline visitor management, Ruvna's VM includes a convenient bulk upload feature. This feature allows schools to easily import visitor data using a simple CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file format. With just a few clicks, you can quickly populate your visitor list, saving valuable time and reducing administrative workload.

This feature is particularly valuable for large events such as parent-teacher conferences, school performances, graduation ceremonies, or open houses, where managing a high volume of visitors is essential. By allowing you to prepare and import visitor data in advance, we help ensure a smooth check-in process for your events.

While VM doesn't directly integrate with external databases, its flexible CSV import feature means you can easily transfer data from any system that allows CSV exports. This approach combines powerful functionality with the simplicity and security of a controlled import process.

Enhancing Safety with Free Visitor Management

Our Visitor Management (VM) system, now free for Accountability subscribers, is designed to seamlessly integrate with Ruvna's Accountability platform. This integration provides schools with valuable tools to manage visitor safety during both routine operations and emergency situations.

Key features of our VM system include:

  • Real-time Check-ins: Quickly account for visitors already on campus.
  • Visitor Flagging: Easily mark and track specific visitors as needed.
  • Individual Communication: Send targeted text messages to visitors, allowing them to self-report their status.
  • Mass Notification: Quickly send bulk text messages to all visitors with valid mobile numbers on file.

These features enable schools to maintain awareness of visitor locations and statuses during critical situations, enhancing overall campus safety. By streamlining the visitor management process and providing crucial communication tools, VM helps schools respond more effectively to various scenarios.

It's important to note that while VM is part of our broader suite of school safety solutions, it specifically integrates with our Accountability system. This focused integration allows for a cohesive approach to visitor management, ensuring that schools can easily incorporate visitor information into their overall safety and accountability procedures.

Experience the Future of School Safety: Accountability + VM in Action 

Ready to revolutionize your school's safety procedures and streamline visitor management? Experience the power of Ruvna's integrated Accountability and Visitor Management (VM) systems working together seamlessly to create a safer, smarter school environment..

By scheduling a demo, you'll discover how our comprehensive Accountability system, now enhanced with free VM capabilities, can:

  1. Streamline emergency responses and drills
  2. Efficiently manage and track visitors
  3. Improve communication during critical situations
  4. Enhance overall campus safety

Our team is excited to show you how Ruvna's Accountability + VM package can address your school's unique safety and operational needs. During the demo, we'll walk you through the features of both systems, showcase their integration, and answer any questions you may have.

Don't miss this opportunity to see how Ruvna can help create a safer, more efficient environment for your students, staff, and visitors. Schedule your personalized demo today and take the first step towards comprehensive school safety management.

Click here to schedule your demo and learn how Ruvna's Accountability + VM package can transform your school's safety procedures.

Creating Safer and Smarter Schools with Ruvna 

At Ruvna, we believe that creating a safer school doesn't mean sacrificing your institution's unique culture. Our integration of free Visitor Management into our Accountability platform is a testament to this philosophy, offering a solution that enhances safety while respecting your school's individual character.

This powerful combination of Accountability and VM creates an all-in-one platform that keeps your community safe, families informed, and students accounted for. From streamlined check-ins and efficient bulk uploads to real-time tracking and emergency communications, our integrated solution equips you with the tools you need to face today's safety challenges without compromising on efficiency or your school's identity.

We invite you to join the growing community of schools that have embraced Ruvna's approach to safety and smart management. By scheduling a demo, you'll discover firsthand how our Accountability + VM package can transform your school's safety procedures while allowing you to maintain focus on what truly matters – running your school and nurturing your unique educational environment.

Take the next step towards a safer and smarter school. Schedule a demo today and experience how Ruvna's integrated solution can revolutionize your approach to school safety and visitor management – at no additional cost. With Ruvna, you can create a secure learning environment that reflects your school's values and keeps your community connected.

Let's work together to build safer, smarter schools where education thrives and peace of mind prevails.

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